Sunday, February 27, 2005

Online boom is music to the ears of poker sharks

Times Online - Betting

"EVIDENCE mounts that, as far as gambling opportunities are concerned, Britain is rapidly becoming the world’s bordello, apparently with governmental sanction. The figures for online poker gambled on British websites in the past year are astronomical, running into billions. It is the main growth area for the leading bookies. Is this good? Good for bookies’ profits, that’s for sure. And good for the Government’s tax take."

[Times Online]


Dealer: Hand 21788821: XXXX wins main pot($1980.00) with Four of a Kind, Aces

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Playing poker with Chris Moneymaker

"Playing poker with Chris Moneymaker, the accountant who came out of nowhere to win the 2003 World Series of Poker, is a bit like shooting hoops with Michael Jordan - though lady luck can even the odds slightly. "

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Poker Odds - Calculating Odds in Texas Hold'em Poker

Good chart to memorize:

Outs Flop% Turn% Flop Odds Turn Odds Draw Type
2 8% 4% 12 22 Pocket Pair -> Set
3 13% 7% 7 14 Single Overcard Draw
4 17% 9% 5 10 Gut Shot, Two Pair -> Full House
5 20% 11% 4 8 One Pair -> Two Pair or Set, Gut+Backdoor
6 24% 13% 3.2 6.7 No Pair -> Pair, Two Overcard Draw
7 28% 15% 2.6 5.6 Set -> Full House or + (not counting extra turn outs)
8 32% 17% 2.2 4.7 Open Straight Draw
9 35% 19% 1.9 4.1 Flush Draw, Open+Backdoor Draw
10 42% 22% 1.6 3.6
11 42% 24% 1.4 3.2
12 45% 26% 1.2 2.8 Flush+Gut Draw
13 48% 28% 1.1 2.5
14 51% 30% 0.95 2.3
15 54% 33% 0.85 2.1 Flush+Open Draw
16 57% 34% 0.75 1.9 Flush+Open+One Overcard
17 60% 37% 0.66 1.7

Poker Hand Nicknames

'Nuff Said. Bullets, American Airlines, Pocket Rockets.

Texas Calculatem - Poker Calculator for Texas Holdem

Texas Calculatem - Poker Calculator for Texas Holdem

Seems like a good odds calculator for Holdem online games. I'm still looking for a better plug-in.


Welcome to my all things poker blog, where I will explore different subject matter pertaining to poker (cadillac of poker, no-limit texas hold 'em).